Sunday, July 6, 2014

I Love Sports

I love sports.  Not playing them--I was always too skinny and uncoordinated to be good at sports.  But watching is a different matter.  Especially when I'm under the weather.  This spring when I suffered excruciating pain from a pinched, inflamed sciatic nerve, I comforted myself with reading potboilers and beach books, eating large quantities of cheesecake and watching sports on TV.  I watched the NBA playoffs Hooray for the Spurs.  I don't much like LeBron James, unless he becomes a Houston Rocket.  Then he'll be my fave.
I watched the entire NFL draft from Johnny Manzel's humiliating fall to #22 to Michael Sam's on-air kiss.

Growing up in a football town, with both Friday night lights and Saturday Longhorn games, in the fall, I stay glued to the TV.  Yes, I watched every one of the miserable Texans games start to finish.  I am a football masochist.

The past two weeks, even though my pain is almost gone, I spent my spare time watching Winbledon.  .I am fascinated with players' quick decisions and strategies on the court and with their off-court personas. 

 I don't get soccer though.  I understand they have to make a goal, but all those guys running around the field, hitting the ball with their heads sometimes, referees holding up yellow cards (I don't know what the cards mean exactly--only that they're not good).
Anyway, the World Cup is passing me by. 
I'm waiting for the lead-up series to the US Open tennis tournament.  Hopefully by then I can just watch for fun, not to distract myself from pain.



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